About us

Chemical Engineering and Contemporary Materials is a modern bachelor's program, accepting students since 2008. The undergraduates gain practical skills and deep theoretical knowledge in Chemistry, Physics, and Mathematics. The students who have completed the course possess specific understanding and abilities necessary for developing high-tech processes and obtaining, characterizing, and applying new advanced materials.


The course aims to prepare highly qualified specialists who can continue their studies in master's programs, work in state and company research institutes, universities, manufacturing enterprises, or even develop their own businesses in the field of synthesis and processing of new materials. Lectures are designed based on cooperation with international companies such as BASF, DOW Corning, Saint Gobain, Unilever, Nestle, and Kraft.
Detailed information

Main course units in the Chemical Engineering and Contemporary Materials program

Full syllabus

Heads of the program

Prof. Slavka S. Tcholakova
FCF, cab. K2
+359 2 8161 698
more information
Corr. Member Prof. Dr. Tony Spasov
FCF, cab. 321
+359 2 8161 236
more information

Pictures of current and former students